Battle of the Trailers

Alexios's Trailer vs John's Trailer

In the battle of sibling egos, who's side are you on?

Welcome to the Battle of the Trailers. The truth is The Touloupis Brothers worked together on every aspect of this project, from pre-production to production, and all the way through post. There were ups and downs, but they did it together. HOWEVER…

When it came time to edit a full trailer for the film there turned out to be a difference in opinions the two could not settle upon.  The one thing the assholes could agree on was a song. And neither one wanted to not use it. So here we are:

2 Trailers, 2 cuts, 1 song

Alexios here, I’ve gone for a punchy, informative, yet smooth trailer in order to let you, the viewers, know what we’re all about and up against. Hope you enjoy and vote for mine (it’s better). 

Atmospheric. Cinematic. Informative. My trailer breathes life into the landscapes, challenges, and heroes we meet along the way. It’s bigger, better, & bolder.                                                                                                                                                                                              -John

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