The Official Home of the Film

Green New World Express

- It's not about being the biggest...

… it’s about being the greenest.

Official Trailer







After spending the year 2020 in lockdown, living at their parents home in Birmingham AL,  the Touloupis Brothers chose to be on the bold side of history and take action regarding our planet. Neither being a scientist nor  PhD candidates, they landed on doing the one thing they could do: make a film. By combining powers, John’s eye for the shot and flair for the question, with Alexios’ s incumbent charm and his knack for a story; the two created what is believed to be the most transformative, “swan-song” for our generation, and those to come. 

Green New World Express is a road documentary, buddy-comedy, and adventure film that is filmed off 2 iPhone 12s in raw, guerrilla-style. The documentary features a full cross country road-trip, various bits & road-worthy antics, and plenty of people and places dedicated to keeping their work in line with their love and appreciation for Earth. 

Fun Facts About the Express

1. With a final run time of one hour and fifty-eight minutes (1:58), the final film is a whole 2 hours shorter than the first cut!

2. The film was made from a whopping 63 days, 36 states, 10,282 miles journey across America.

4. This is a self-funded dream project 2 years in the making.

Want to learn more about sustainability, our movie, or how to get involved? Send us a message and we'll be in touch. Let's build a green new world, together!

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