So, you watched the documentary...

First off thanks, and congratulations! You successfully gave a shit for our planet!

Welcome to the official "After Viewing Tab"

Do you feel inspired to take action for our planet? 

Do you want to make some changes in your personal life? 

Did you shed a small tear for our planet in the end? 

 If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you’re in the right place!! Welcome to the Green New World Express: After the Doc Tab – where you can find links to all the people and places featured in the film! We began filming our documentary with only 4 planned interviews, and by the time we called a wrap on our journey, we had managed to have 18 interviews!! 

How we did it, we still don’t really know, but we are incredibly grateful for these amazing individuals who, in their own ways, do so much for our planet. 
As the famous proverb goes: 

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu 

GNW Certified People & Places:

To be frank,

after 2 1/2 years of traveling around the world and meeting nearly 45 different people & companies from around said world, it is with great humility we say there is no one way to be sustainable.  In fact, there is no also one way to begin being sustainable. It is a lifestyle and a mentality focused on being a good patron of Earth. Believe us when we say we were once lost ourselves, more recently we had absolutely no idea where to begin this documentary… 

– Was there a specific subject to focus on?

– Who would be those subjects?

– Why do we choose who we choose?

– Are we mad for thinking we can do this?   

Sitting on a rock on Maine Coast
GNW x King Solar jersey swap

These questions plagued us as two young, self-proclaimed documentary filmmakers from Alabama. You remember that right? We’re from Alabama, the most liberal, progressive state in America 🙂

*Cough* *Cough*

The truth is, in all aspects of life we have to start somewhere. Remember? When you first learned how to ride a bike, you got training wheels. When you learned to read, you worked on pronunciation; sounding words out one at a time. When you first started doing art, that first painting was trash; mom kept it, but it wasn’t any good. When you first started trading stocks, you were confident you found the whale no one saw, but you lost more money than you’re willing to admit. When you first started gardening, sure enough, you accidentally killed some plants. When you first-

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” you’re probably thinking, “I thought we were going to have a moment there, reflecting on some wholesome childhood memories.” 

That’s where you’re wrongI used what is called misdirection my friend, I tricked you.

As a generation, we have to do better for our homes. There’s no denying a lot of the blame is to be placed on absent-minded corporations and corrupt politicians. However, you as an individual have the power to make changes. 

Hopefully, after viewing our documentary you feel some type of call to some sort of action. Whether big or small, our simplest advice is the same as what so many GNW Express guests said, “just start now.” It’s the best thing that you can do for your home, community, state, country, and planet. No idea is too small and no   Find one area of your life and make that small shift.

Thanks again for watching our documentary!